Service Timeline

A service timeline provides a full history of a service including:

  • Quotes, opportunities and orders (there may be multiple, not only for new but also for changes all the way up to service cancellation),
  • Service creation,
  • Service changes: Change Status, Re-rate/Change MRR, Change Account and Re-term/Term Extension,
  • Auto-renewals,
  • Cases,
  • Upgrade opportunities.

To navigate to the service timeline open service details and click the Timeline tab:

Service timeline
Service timeline

The timeline is based on the standard Salesforce object creation dates, except for:

  • Service Changes (e.g., Change Status, Re-Term, Auto-Renewal, etc.) — based on the effective dates of service changes.
  • Cases — based on (‘Date/Time Opened’) case field.
  • Upgrade Opportunities — based on Date when opportunity was identified by Nextian RMM analytics (‘Created On’ custom field).
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