Completing Automated Tasks With Manual Execution Type

In majority of cases automated tasks start, run and complete in the background without any user intervention.

This is however not the case for automated tasks with the Manual execution type. These still run APEX code but once they become Ready, the execution must be triggered by a user — this is performed by the Execute action.

To execute an automated task with the Manual execution type:

From task details

  1. Open task detail view.
  2. Choose Execute action the top right side of the view.

From work order execution chart

  1. Open a work order (or any task in the work order) and select the Execution Chart tab.
  2. Make sure that the execution chart is in Kanban or List mode.
  3. Check tasks to execute.
  4. Select Execute from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the chart.
ImportantExecute action is also used to execute tasks with Batch Job execution types without waiting for batch jobs to process them, as well as retrying failed automated tasks regardless of their execution type.
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