Sometimes, it is necessary to create a location by searching for an address using GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude) or dropping a pin on a map, rather than entering a known address directly and validating it.
To search for an address using GPS coordinates or a map:
- Open any locations list view (App Launcher → Locations).
- Click GPS Search button.
- Enter GPS coordinates in the Longitude and Latitude fields, or click (drop a pin) on a map to set the coordinates.
- Click Search to display a list of available address.
- Select the desired address from the list or by clicking on address pin.
- Click Create Location to create the location corresponding to the address:
- If a location with the selected address is already present, an error message is shown and duplicate is not created,
- The location is validated upon saving.
A similar mechanism is also available in quoting when creating a line item for a new location-based service.