Task Ownership, Assignment and Routing

A work order task can be worked on once its status changes to Ready. However, the status does not determine who should work on the task — this is determined by task ownership.

A work order task can be owned by:

  • A queue – A shared pool accessible to multiple users (queue members), typically set up for departments or teams during configuration.
  • An individual user – A specific person responsible for the task.

Initial ownership of tasks is defined in order templates. When work order tasks are created, they inherit the same owner as their corresponding template tasks.

After creation, task ownership can be updated in the following ways to route (assign) the task to the most suitable individual:

  • Automated assignment – Tasks can be auto-assigned using process flows or routing engines like Salesforce Omni-Channel, based on skills, workload, and other factors. This approach is ideal for organizations with high task volumes that require automation for efficiency and precise task matching.
  • Manual assignment by a manager – A manager assigns tasks to specific team members, considering priorities, workloads, and expertise. This is common in smaller organizations where direct oversight is preferred.
  • Self-assignment by a user – A user can claim a task by self-assigning or starting it. This method is often used in environments where individuals manage their own workloads or for minor tasks handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The entire process is shown in the diagram below:

A diagram of Nextian work order task assignment flow
Nextian work order task assignment flow

The initial task ownership can also be changed when starting work orders with Assign owners now option.

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