An order can be canceled entirely or partially (i.e., only select order line items, ORIs).
Important An order cancellation is different than a service cancellation — the former means that customer ordered something and it was canceled before the delivery was made, while the latter indicates a subscription service cancellation request for a subscription that is currently in service. |
On the ORI level, a cancellation does the following:
- Cancels associated work order (two orders for the Replace ORI type) by transitioning all their remaining tasks statuses and overall statuses to Canceled
- For New ORI type the newly created service is transferred to Order Canceled status
- Work orders and new services are not automatically deleted when a line item is canceled, this however can be done manually
- As a result of a cancellation, the overall order status changes to Canceled only when all work orders have been Canceled; when some items have been completed the status is set to Completed
An example of a canceled order is shown below:
Canceling an entire order (all line items)
- Open order details.
- Click Cancel action in the top right section of the view.
- Confirm action.
Canceling multiple order line items
- Open order details.
- Go to Order Summary.
- Select ORIs to cancel.
- Click Cancel action in the Order Summary section.
Cancelling a single order line item
- Open order details.
- Go to Order Summary.
- Select Cancel action from a drop down on the right side next to the ORI to cancel.
- Open ORI details
- Click Cancel action in the top right section of the view