Web Browser Logging

Nextian provides web browser logging to help with end-user problem diagnostics and troubleshooting.

When enabled, logs are written to the browser console and contain event information, APEX callout traces and data payloads.

Important Web browser logging should only be enabled for testing and troubleshooting and disabled for normal operation, as it can severely impact end-user system performance.

Once enabled, additional information is shown in the standard web browser console (F12 on Firefox, Ctrl-Shift-J on Google Chrome):

Web browser console debug output

To enable web browser console logging:

  1. Go to App Launcher → Nextian Settings:

    Navigating to Nextian Salesforce settings

  2. Navigate to the Web Browser Logging tab.
  3. Toggle Enable Logging as required.
Important The setting is global and turns browser logging on and off for all users.
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