Nextian and Salesforce Omni-Channel

Salesforce Omni-Channel is a routing engine capable of assigning workable items (cases, tasks, custom objects, etc.) to individual users (agents).

Omni-Channel is compatible with Nextian QTC an can be used to route cases, orders, work order tasks and other items. Omni-Channel is optional and is not required for Nextian QTC to work.

Nextian QTC package does not offer any special features to ensure compatibility with Omni-Channel, except for enabling Omni-Channel utility bar widget in pre-packaged Console applications.

Salesforce Omni-Channel configuration for Nextian QTC follows regular configuration steps; the only special consideration is distinguishing between immediately workable vs. non-workable objects.

Immediately workable vs. non-workable objects

Some objects, such as customer support cases are immediately workable, i.e., they can be assigned to agents the moment they are created.

Others, like work order tasks may take a significant amount of time to become ready to be worked on, for example, work order tasks are crated in Pending status, but they can be worked only when they become Ready.

Immediately workable objects configuration (Cases, Orders)

Configuration for immediately workable objects will be no-different than any other Omni-Channel configuration:

  1. Create object queues that will be used by Omni-Channel to source work items
  2. Configure Omni-Channel (service channels, routing rules, agents, etc.)
  3. Make sure that newly created objects are assigned to the relevant queues via process flows or triggers

Non-workable objects configuration

Objects that are not immediately workable require additional steps:

  1. For each source queue create and equivalent -Ready queue, e.g., Engineering and Engineering-Ready (since users for both should be the same, it is a good practice to assign users to groups and then groups to queues)
  2. Make sure that Omni-Channel is configured to use -Ready queues as sources, rather than the regular ones
  3. Create a process flow to reassign objects to the -Ready queue when they become workable. For example, when a task status is changed to Ready and the task is assigned to the Engineering queue, re-assign it to the Engineering-Ready queue (Omni-Channel will then route tasks to individual users using Engineering-Ready as a source)
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