Requesting DocuSign Signature

In order to request a quote signature with DocuSign, a quote PDF must be generated and the quote must be approved internally.

To request a signature:

  1. Open quote details.
  2. Make sure that the quote is Approved (when no approval process has been configured, the quote can be manually set to Approved).
  3. Make sure that a current quote PDF exists on a quote and is up to date (if that’s not the case an error message will be displayed).
  4. Check the following fields:
    • Email (Details tab → Prepared ForEmail) — this address will be used to send the signature request and must be provided,
    • Expiration Date (Details tab → Expiration Date) — the date cannot be in the past. If the date is left blank, the DocuSign default for the account will be used (typically 120 days).
  5. Select DocuSign from the quick actions’ menu:

    DocuSign quote actions menu

  6. Additional menu is displayed:

    Requesting quote signature via DocuSign

  7. Click Request Signature and confirm by clicking Request Signature again in the dialog box:
    • Quote PDF is uploaded to DocuSign,
    • Quote recipient receives an email with signature request information from DocuSign,
    • DocuSign Envelope Id saved on the quote is Salesforce,
    • An opportunity chatter entry is logged for history-keeping,
    • Quote status is set to Presented.
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