A pending quote signature can be canceled (or ‘voided’ in DocuSign terms) at any time, as long it has not been yet signed (e.g., a wrong quote has been sent, customer requested additional changes, etc.).
To cancel a signature request:
- Open quote details.
- Make sure that the quote has been submitted to DocuSign (i.e., DocuSign Envelope Id is set).
- Select DocuSign from the quick actions’ menu:
- Additional menu is displayed:
- Click Cancel Signature Request and confirm by clicking Cancel Signature Request again in the dialog box:
- Quote envelope is voided in DocuSign,
- Signature request recipient receives an email notification from DocuSign,
- DocuSign Envelope Id is cleared in Salesforce so the quote can be re-submitted in the future (however, it is preserved in DocuSign),
- An opportunity chatter entry is logged for history-keeping,
- Quote status is set to Approved.