Syncing Quotes

While multiple quotes can be created underneath an opportunity, only one of them (usually the most likely to win) is designated as Syncing, i.e. synchronizes forecast numbers back to the parent opportunity.

Nextian uses the standard Salesforce syncing mechanism extended with synchronization of Nextian-specific quote fields to the opportunity (New MRR, Lost MRR, MRR Uptick/Downtick, Net MRR, Cross-Sell MRR, Contract New Revenue and others).

The following rules apply to syncing quotes:

  • Sales forecast numbers on opportunity are copied from the syncing quote in order not to inflate the sales funnel
  • Once opportunity is closed won, the order is created from the syncing quote

To mark a quote as syncing:

  1. Open quote details
  2. Click Start Sync action
  3. The current quote is marked as Syncing and the forecast numbers on the parent opportunity are immediately updated
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