Requesting Dynamic/Marketplace Product Pricing

Marketplace pricing enables quoting of products from third parties when pricing is unknown up front (e.g., multi-vendor sourcing, location-based pricing, exchange bidding, etc.) and:

  • Applies to select products (product catalog configuration)
  • Is optional (use list price or marketplace price)
  • Is injected into the regular CPQ flow
  • Supports multiple quoting engines and vendors

Marketplace pricing works only for products that are marked as Dynamically Priced in the product catalog.

Dynamic products still have standard “book” pricing that they are created with, however their pricing can be obtained on-line from third-party quoting engines such as e-commerce websites or APIs.

Multiple engines, each supporting multiple vendors can be configured.

To request dynamic pricing:

  1. Open quote details
  2. Create a new quote line item as per usual
  3. Click Request Marketplace Pricing and confirm with Request Pricing

At this stage the request is sent to configured engines (depending on engine, the quoting process in the engine may take a few seconds).

  1. Click Check Marketplace Pricing

A dialog box is shown with selection of available vendors and pricing.

  1. Select option and click Save
  2. Quote is updated to reflect the selected vendor and pricing

Engine and vendor selection is stored in quote line item details in the following fields:

Field Meaning
Quoting Engine Quoting engine used to request product pricing, e.g., OVH or Amazon.
Quoting Engine Request Id Quoting request id returned by the quoting engine. The value is engine specific, e.g., a RFQ number. The request id can be used in Salesforce search.
Vendor Vendor selected for the item. It may be the same as the Quoting Engine, however for quoting engines aggregating multiple vendors it may be set to a specific vendor.
Vendor Quote Id Some quoting engines (especially ones aggregating multiple vendors) provide underlying vendor quote id that can be used later in the ordering process.

This field is optional and saved only if provided by the quoting engine. The quote id can be used in Salesforce search.

Once a quote has been accepted and parent opportunity is closed-won, vendor-dependent work order templates and service build templates can be used if configured in the product Vendor Price Book Entries.

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