Price Book Entries

Price Book Entries (PBEs) are the centerpiece of Nextian product catalog as they link together products, price books, order types, pricing, workflows, and other information.

A diagram showing the relationship between pricebooks, products and price book entries
The relationship between pricebooks, products and price book entries

Salesforce offers a standard price book entry object, however Nextian uses a custom one (Price_Book_Entry__c) to accommodate additional functionality.

Nextian PBE has the following fields:

Field Meaning
Name Auto-assigned PBE-XXXXXX name of the price book entry that can be used as a reference.
Price Book Price Book associated with the entry.
Product Product associated with the entry.
Order Type Operation on a product that is being quoted:

  • New – a new subscription service or widget
  • Cancel – cancel existing subscription service
  • Service Request – a service request on a subscription or a widget or general service request associated with an account
  • Change – Change (e.g., new add-on)
  • Re-Term – Change subscription term and/or pricing

Order type is propagated as follows:

Price Book Entry → Quote Line Item → Order Line Item

Term Term for which the pricing applies. Must be left empty for non term-based products.
Renewal Type Renewal type for the newly created subscription service (or a re-term). This field applies only to ‘Term Based’ products/subscription services. Renewal type does not drive pricing, however it can be differentiated based on term or product.
Customer Requested Date Determines if customer request date is required on a quote line item built from/related to this price.

Cost & Margin

Field Meaning
MR and NR Price Monthly recurring book (or list) price of the product (end-user price). This is the base price to which markup & discount are applied during the quoting process.
MR and NR Cost Monthly recurring cost of the item (either how much it is purchased for, or internal, booked cost). This value is used for quote profit/margin calculations.
MR and NR Profit Monthly recurring gross profit on the product (list price – cost).
MR and NR Profit Book (gross) margin % on the product (profit/price * 100%).


The following are specific to usage-based products:

Field Meaning
Usage Unit Usage unit for which customers are charged (e.g., per minute, per GB, etc.) for usage-based products such as voice minutes or storage.
Usage Price Book (or list) price of the product (end-user price) per usage unit (e.g., per minute). This is the base price to which markup & discount are applied during the quoting process.
Usage Cost Cost per usage unit (e.g., per minute). This may be either purchase cost or internal, ‘book’ cost for the product. This value is used for quote profit/margin calculations.
Usage Profit Auto-calculated, gross profit (dollar amount) calculated as list price minus cost per usage unit (e.g., minute).
Usage Margin Auto-calculated, book gross margin % for the product (list price to cost) per usage unit (e.g., minute).


The following determine how a particular operation (new service, cancellations) are delivered (i.e., what is the workflow):

Field Meaning
Work Order Template Work order template used to deliver the product. For services this may be a provisioning or a disconnect plan, for ‘widget’ products steps for packaging & delivery. Once a quote becomes an order, a work order for the item will be created based on the template.
Work Order Template Duration Associated work order template duration (i.e., critical path length) for product planning purposes (this field has two versions in days with fraction and as a human-readable text).
Work Order Template Effort Associated work order template effort for product planning purposes (this field has two versions in days with fraction and as a human-readable text).

New Service Build

Field Meaning
Service Template Service template defines how a new service is built in terms of its elements & their structure. The template applies to only new order line item types. It can be empty; in which case an empty service is built (no elements)
Service Template MRC Service Template MRC – Associated service template MRC (Monthly Recurring Charge) of all elements in the template for product planning purposes. This may by synchronized to MR cost using Update Cost From Service Template action.

Billing integration

Billing integration connectors will typically add additional fields to PBEs for mapping billing system product catalog to Salesforce/Nextian product catalog. These fields are dependent on the integrated billing system type.

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