Changing Ownership / Assigning Tasks

Work order tasks assignment is achieved by changing its ownership.

Tasks can be assigned from multiple locations:

From tasks list views

This option is used to assign a task from departmental task lists or My Tasks list view and works on a single task or a bulk selection:

  1. Select Work Orders Task from the app launcher, home page, or the top menu.
  2. Select the list view (e.g., Engineering, My Tasks or others).
  3. Find a task to change ownership for.
  4. Select Change Owner from the drop-down on the right side of the task, or:
  5. Select multiple tasks using checkboxes on the left side.
  6. Click Change Owner action button on the right side above the list.
Important List views are the only option to assign tasks across multiple work orders and orders.

From task details

This option is typically used when task details have already been opened:

  1. Open task detail view.
  2. Choose Change Owner action the top right side of the view, or:
  3. Edit owner by clicking an icon on the right side of the Owner field.
  4. Select target queue or user.
  5. Confirm with Change Owner.

From work order execution chart

Task operations are also available from the work order execution chart:

  1. Open a work order (or any task in the work order) and select the Execution Chart tab.
  2. Make sure that the execution chart is in Kanban or List mode.
  3. Check task(s) to change ownership for.
  4. Select Change Owner from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the chart.
  5. Select the new owner in the dialog box:
    • Both queues are users are displayed in the drop-down (queues are indicated via a (queue) suffix),
    • Only queues that can hold Work Order Tasks are displayed,
    • Only users with Salesforce or Salesforce Platform License are displayed (i.e., system users are excluded).
  6. Confirm with Change Owner.

Using Assign action

Nextian provides a custom Assign action that works the same as the standard Change Owner action, but provides a slightly different, more user friendly user interface. It is up to the organization to decide which action to use.

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