Starting and Stopping SNMP Simulator Service

For large numbers of simulated devices (especially using virtual interfaces) service start & stop may take a few minutes.

For example, a simulator restart with 3K devices with virtual interfaces takes about 2 minutes on a 4CPU and 12GB RAM Debian Linux virtual machine.


The simulator runs under Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator windows service and can be managed via the Windows Control Panel or using the following start menu shortcuts:

  • Start Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator service
  • Stop Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator service


The simulator runs as nextian-snmpsimulator deamon and can be controlled using systemct, e.g.:

sudo -i
systemctl status nextian-snmpsimulator
systemctl stop nextian-snmpsimulator
systemctl restart nextian-snmpsimulator

Starting large numbers of simulated devices may take a few minutes, and systemctl start will most likely return before all of them are up & running.

The launch progress may be checked in the log:

tail -f /var/log/nextian/snmp-simulator-agent.log
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