For large numbers of simulated devices (especially using virtual interfaces) service start & stop may take a few minutes.
For example, a simulator restart with 3K devices with virtual interfaces takes about 2 minutes on a 4CPU and 12GB RAM Debian Linux virtual machine. |
The simulator runs under Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator windows service and can be managed via the Windows Control Panel or using the following start menu shortcuts:
- Start Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator service
- Stop Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator service
The simulator runs as nextian-snmpsimulator deamon and can be controlled using systemct, e.g.:
sudo -i systemctl status nextian-snmpsimulator systemctl stop nextian-snmpsimulator systemctl restart nextian-snmpsimulator
Starting large numbers of simulated devices may take a few minutes, and systemctl start will most likely return before all of them are up & running.
The launch progress may be checked in the log:
tail -f /var/log/nextian/snmp-simulator-agent.log