Appendix A: Simulator.conf Reference

SIMULATOR_HOMEPath to SNMP Simulator installation directory, e.g.:

Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Nextian\SNMP Agent Simulator

Linux /opt/nextian/snmpsimulator

PRIMARY_INTERFACE Primary network interface name (e.g., eth1). The primary interface is used to create virtual interfaces (e.g., eth1:0, eth1:1, etc.) for agents configured to run on separate IPs. The interface must be created, up before the simulator starts and have a static (public or private) IP address.

Windows PRIMARY_INTERFACE=”Local Area Connection”

(double quotation marks are required)


SERVER_PORTListen port for CLI (command line) console management. The default port is 43500. Leave empty if you do not need to change the default value.
SIMULATOR_CONFIG_FILEAlternative configuration file path. The default value is SIMULATOR_HOME/conf/devices.conf.xml. Leave empty to use the default value.
CREATE_INTERFACESVirtual interface creation policy. The policy determines how to create and drop interfaces for IP addresses specified in devices.conf.xml.

  • 0 – do not create/drop interfaces
  • 1 – create/drop interfaces automatically (default)
  • 2 – create but do not drop
WEBCONSOLE_CONNECTIONIP and port of the simulator that the web console connects to (default localhost:43500 for the local simulator).
WEBCONSOLE_PORTWeb console HTTP port. The default port is 8080. Leave empty if you do not need to change the default value.
COMMUNITYThe default SNMP read-only community string for simulated devices (default ‘public’).
WRITE_COMMUNITYThe default SNMP write community string for simulated devices (default ‘private’).
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