Creating Response Files

Nextian SNMP Agent Simulator comes with a set of bundled response files, each corresponding to a particular device type such as Cisco 1800 (the files are located in the device directory).

Response files have syntax identical to SNMP walk numeric OID output (with some extra features to change/randomize responses), so the easiest way to create a response file is to start with SNMP walk from a live device, e.g.:

snmpwalk -On -Oe -OU -v2c -c public .iso > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nextian\SNMP Agent Simulator\device\myciscodevice.txt"

The .iso is most likely return all OIDs known to the agent (by default snmpwalk returns only SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2). The alternative approach is to concatenate a number of snmpwalk results:

snmpwalk -On -Oe -OU -v2c -c public > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nextian\SNMP Agent Simulator\device\myversadevice.txt"
snmpwalk -mALL -On -Oe -OU -v2c -c public versa >> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nextian\SNMP Agent Simulator\device\myversadevice.txt"

Windows NET-SNMP for Windows can be downloaded from

A SNMP-walk output file can be added “as is” to devices.conf.xml:

  <type filepath="..\device\myciscodevice.txt">
      <device ip="" netmask="24" port="161"></device>

The file created using SNMP walk will always return identical responses, which is not very useful for simulation purposes — this is where response modification & randomization comes into play.

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